Monday, March 14, 2011

Memory Skills 1: Acronyms

Holiday Begins
Today is the first day of our one week March school holiday, yay all students are happy! I woke up about 10 a.m. and started to read a study tips book as I don't want to waste this holiday, but first I need motivation, so I read the book. Let me share what I learn today:

Memory Skills 1: Acronyms 
If you learn an instrument you'll probably know this: the four notes that fall on the treble scale's "open spaces" are F,A,C and E. Music students are taught to remember the word FACE when they first encounter the treble scale.

If you can take a real meaningful word and assign meanings to each of its initial letters, you can often master complex material quickly. Many people make the mistake of developing nonsense acronyms - like QIJA or FEWOP - and then wonder why they can't recall the word when test times roles around! You're after emotion-laden words like MIDAS or BETRAY,. If you can associate words like those with the key concepts you're studying, you'll be in a much better position.

Developing good acronyms may seem a little tricky at first, but it really isn't. Here is an example:
There are four human blood types: A,B,O, and AB.
An observation about the four blood types: Any Other Blood's AB-normal. Remember that sentence and you remember the human blood types.

Tidy Room - Achooo 
After reading the book and gained two memory skills, I decided to stop and continue next time. I thought if I want to study professionally, I need a good environment. Because my room is quiet a mess, so then I spent the whole day tidying up my room. So much dust, I sneezed like fifty plus times today! 
Yes, I did found some money! Haha, not much though. Sorted up everything neatly, took a shower, finish up my english exercise with a new environment and that's it for the day! Let's see for tomorrow.

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